Diverse Intelligence System

let's work

Diverse Intelligence Systems is an educational course and workbook created to help salons and individual beauty professionals prepare for a diverse world of clients. By 2044 more than half of Americans will belong to a minority group soon to be the majority. As a beauty professional, educational tools are key to better service any guest who walks through the door. Attending this Introduction meeting will grant you the opportunity to evaluate your business with corporate beauty professional Natasha Simone who has more than 20 years of experience in the beauty industry. She has predicted and watched the trend in diversity increase throughout her career. You will also experience a brief overview of what Diverse Intelligence System is, how to sign up, and how we created the tools to grow your salon business and drive revenue for your stylists.

Diverse Intelligence Systems is for you if you would like to expand your business to include a more diverse demographic audience. Diverse Intelligence is for you. My program will help you attract a diverse audience within an emerging market. 

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Consult with Natasha

Let’s get started on how we can grow sales and drive revenue.


Business Development Intake Form

Please follow the link below and fill out and submit this form so I can better assist you.


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